People experiencing menopause are the fastest-growing demographic in the United States workforce, yet, it remains an unspoken topic in most workplaces. In fact, two out of five menopausal women are planning to retire earlier than originally planned as their symptoms impede on their work (Mira, 2022).
A study of 1,000 women in the US showed that for 39.6 percent of participants, perimenopause/menopause symptoms had significantly impacted their careers (Mira, 2022). Yet, most report that their workplace has not made efforts in catering to their menopausal symptoms or adjusting their workload. A 2021 survey found that 83 percent of women face obstacles at work due to menopause, but only 70% would feel comfortable discussing it with their employer (CircleIn).
PhenXX spoke to menopausal women from around the world about their experiences in the workforce, shedding light on the difficulties menopause can present.
Linda, 48, recounted a time when she experienced a sudden hot flash during a client meeting.
“I tried to keep my cool (literally and figuratively), but I remember looking at some seriously strange expressions from my colleagues to confirm my suspicions that I had turned as red as a tomato. I looked like I was running a 10K standing still in the air conditioned boardroom. I was mortified….I just wanted the ground to swallow me up.”
49-year-old Rachel recalled a similar ordeal; “A headache came on right before an important presentation. I powered through, but it felt like a fog in my head. I couldn't concentrate as well as usual, and it made the whole experience more challenging.”
When brain fog struck 55-year-old Patricia at work, she forgot to submit an important report. “My boss wasn't impressed. I felt so embarrassed and worried that it might impact my job. Thank goodness for understanding colleagues.”
These mental health issues have a direct and negative effect in the workplace, with almost 25 percent of perimenopausal women admitting to making mistakes at work and 15 percent (around 1 in 6) phoning in sick on a regular basis (OnePoll, 2022).
The most fundamental step in supporting women in their careers is through spreading awareness and education about women’s reproductive health (Australasian Menopausal Society). Improving public knowledge toward these areas will spark more conversations about important women’s health issues, equality and workplace inclusion.
Employers should prioritize establishing a safe work environment where employees can openly and comfortably seek support when needed. Offering a more flexible work schedule for those experiencing menopause can ensure that their wellbeing is supported, boosting work performance and satisfaction (Australasian Menopause Society, 2022). Additionally, allowing adjustments to be made to employees’ workspaces and work attire can help them manage menopausal symptoms.
- Australasian Menopause Society. (2022, November). Menopause and the workplace.
- Circle In. (2021). Driving the change: Menopause and the workplace. menopause-at-work/
- Mira. (2022, August). Menopause is a part of our story—let’s talk about it. Menopause (
- NSW Government. (n.d). Menopause in the workplace. Menopause in the workplace | NSW Government